Zenecho.com Logo


Some content ie geek humour contains images that I have found on the net, sadly most (if not all) are uncredited. If any are yours please contact admin@zenecho.com with details and I will either credit you or remove the offending item. Most, if not all of the good stuff (the hard work) has been written by some one else and then shamelessly hacked and bodged by me.

Credit for all the original works should be here

S.A.R.A.H (Server And Remote Access Hardware) Curently Powered by Ubuntu

L.A.M.P (Linux, Apache, MyDQL and PHP) Lots of un-named heros

Original styling stolen* from Jason Barie Morley aka Inertia
OpenPsion         * I did ask him ages ago and he said it was ok

Zenecho Powered by coffee tea pies and caek

Web mail Powered by Roundcube

Cloud services Powered by NextCloud

Zens Brain powered by MediaWiki

Music Streaming powered by Ampache

Tix clock Javascipt code
Potentially the best bog on the interwebs...but the author can't be arsed most of the times

Zenecho graphics
Zenecho Graphics